Use this file if you want to control InterSLIP Remote directly from your program. It contains all necessary constants (see the "Scripting InterSLIP Remote" in the "Readme"-file for details on commands, its parameters and properties).
About InterSLIP.p
This unit contains routines which help you to access the InterSLIP Driver.
FUNCTION InterSlipOpenDriver (VAR drvrRefNum: Integer): OSErr;
Use this function to open the InterSLIP Driver (".InterSLIP"). If a result <> noErr is returned, probably the InterSLIP extension was not load at startup.
FUNCTION InterSlipConnect (drvrRefNum: Integer): OSErr;
This function tells the InterSLIP driver to try to connect.
FUNCTION InterSlipDisconnect (drvrRefNum: Integer): OSErr;
This function tells the InterSLIP driver to disconnect.
FUNCTION InterSlipReport (drvrRefNum: Integer; VAR report: InterSlipReportRec): OSErr;
This function reports the current state of the driver:
linkIdle = 0;
linkWaitingForModem = 1;
linkDialing = 2;
linkLoggingIn = 3;
linkConnected = 4;
linkHangingUp = 5;
InterSlipReportRec = RECORD
linkState: LongInt;
msgSeqNo: LongInt;
msgStr: Ptr;
linkState contains a number between 0 and 5 which tells the current state of the link (see contants).
msgSeqNo can be used to distinguesh between different CCL messages. If it is not the same as it was after the last call, the message has changed.
msgStr points to a C string which contains the current CCL message. Use CToPStr (also declared in this unit) to convert it to a pascal string.
You may use this units in your programs without restrictions. Please give me credit. See the InterSLIP manual for details. Feel free to mail me for questions: